Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What I Did When........

As most of you know I broke my ankle in two places last June and was in cast for 6 weeks.  Then a boot for 4 or 6 weeks I can't remember.  And then a brace for 6 weeks that I am still supposed to wear when I am active or walking on uneven ground.  Well that amounts to a lot of sitting so.....here are the projects I finished last year!!!  The first one is one I started when I was twelve.  The second is what I mostly did while I was sitting and the third I did for our bathroom. 

Its funny I never thought i would enjoy handwork but I love it and its something I can do while waiting then i feel productive.  The one for that bathroom was done at ALL the doctors appointments. 


  1. I can't believe how big Henry is getting!!!! Time goes by way too fast.

  2. I love the way the water pump turned out. It looks so great in the frame.
    The other reason to do handwork is that it is so satisfying to do something that you don't have to do over.
